WHAT THE F@#! ??

by - 2:25:00 PM

Congratulations Taya!! I love you <3
Ok ok, we're sorry we know we got you all excited about our launch and disappeared on you. But, if it counts for anything we both individually have been working on some exciting projects that will be announced relatively soon. Besides working my ass off planning these projects and being apart of different meetings  I went to visit my hometown for my little sister's graduation. It had been two years since I'd been home. Although I didn't stay too long ( cause its boring as hell in Buffalo to me now ) I did enjoy seeing some old friends and my family. Ya'll know I love food right? I swear my mission the whole trip was to make sure I had some REAL pizza and Buffalo wings .. did I get any? HELL NO and I was so mad but I was so busy running around with little sis I didn't have the time.  I didn't want to leave my sister, Taya. I cried like a big ol baby when I got to the airport. I guess I'm used to seeing her several time a year, so two years was way too long. Never again will I wait too long to visit. I cannot believe my baby is going to college! New York City ain't ready for her :)

So, I got you caught up a little on why I've been M.I.A and I promise to never keep you waiting again. I must confess, I had a little bit of writer's block or blogger block too. I have tons of things to post about but sometimes I can't put it all together the way I'd like to. Any who, we're back and its time to gear up for my birrrrrthhhhhhdaaaaaay *twerks with my tongue out* !!!! LOL.

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