#blackgirlswhoblog#bloggerbabe#browngirlswhoblog#GOAL$#goalsaccomplishmentsBlogbloggingdaily lifeDreamsgoal diggerinspirationMotivationProcrastinationrelationshipstake care
The internet can teach you so much. There are so many resources you can use. If you honestly research whatever it is you're wanting to succeed at and put the effort into your work, there is no way you should fail.
I've been researching, second guessing myself , starting over , procrastinating , flipping ideas , going crazy trying to implement EVERYTHING ( my hobbies became my passions ) into one business move. I have started multiple different endeavors that all corrolate pretty much around the same industry.
I've been talking to my family and friends about it for years. It doesn't happen overnight. I have a few people I consider not only friends but mentors. Those who have already experienced what I am wanting to accomplish.

There will always be nay sayers, people who secretly want to see you fail that call themselves your friends, people who will copy your dreams, etc.. Push them to the side, you don't need that negativity! Do not stoop to their level. Do not feed into their shade. Remind yourself " I do not need to dim anyone else's light in order for me to shine! "
Don't let anyone tell you NO , or that you won't make it, or can't do it. If you ever feel like giving up, talk to your closet friends, your significant other, family, gurus of whatever interest you have. Listen to positive, motivating, and business savvy podcasts. Create a space where you can meditate and reflect and work.
I promise you got this babe. Tell them that you've arrived and you ain't never going no where